Facebook Marketing: How many Page Likes do you need to be successful?

Truth is, it's not a matter of numbers. Digital marketing is becoming more and more about quality content, being trustworthy and creating value for your audience. What really makes a difference is that your audience is interested and engaged with your content, and people show this through comments, likes and shares. If someone shows interest in your page, your posts will appear in their newsfeed and they won't forget about you.

Is there a way to "make people like you on Facebook"? Well, it works more or less like in real life: people like you if you can give them something they want, be it a deep intellectual connection or a cheap meal. This is when you start thinking "what do I have that my customers want?" and make a list. Per each item on the list, find the best way to deliver it to your audience.

So, how many likes do I need to be successful? The answer is "x". It's not about how many users like your page, it's all about how many user interact with your page, how often and for how long. If you think that pages with 10K+ fans are more successful, you are very wrong. If most of this fans came through paid adds (where you can actually buy likes) that page is going to perform a lot worse than a page with 150 genuine likes, because these genuine likes will interact with the page, create value and, most probably, buy products.

The Edgerank algorithm developed by Facebook takes into account three main factors: affinity, weight and time decay. Every Facebook action (comments, status updates, shares and so on) is called an Edge. EdgeRank looks at all of the Edges that are connected to the User, then ranks each Edge based on importance to the User, and Objects with the highest EdgeRank will typically appear first in your News Feed.

Affinity describes the relationship between a user and your brand. It is built through interaction such as liking, commenting, sharing, messaging...

Weight measures how much each action is worth. A comment weighs more than a like, because it requires more involvement and more time to be completed. As a general rule, Facebook tends to assign more weight to actions that take longer to perform.

Time decay is exactly what it sounds like: if your edge is old, it will have less value. This is necessary to keep the newsfeed interesting and not full of old posts.

Do you know what your edgerank is? Here's a link that can help you find out: http://edgerankchecker.com/

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