Are you thinking about doing your own content marketing? Would you like blogging tips, detailed insights about how social media really work, hints on how to engage your audience and the opportunity to ask us questions directly? Then follow our case study to see how it's all done!
The lovely lady at Live Italian (who is being shy and wishes to remain anonymous for the time being - but we'll get her to come out eventually) came to us asking for help with her Italian food blog, as she's trying to turn this hobby into a source of income after loosing her job. She lives in Italy and she is well aware that it will take her ages to get a new job seen how the economy is going and how hard it is for women with a family to be flexible.
Besides showing support by "liking" her Facebook page (and asking all of you to do the same), we offered her a deal: we will help her build an audience and keep it engaged, create great content, explain to her everything about social media campaigns including how to run adds on a super-tight budget, and we will answer any of her questions on one condition - that she agrees to us sharing every step of the project. That way we are not just helping her, but everyone who needs guidance with their digital marketing and don't have the resources to pay an agency. To us, this is a win-win-win.
- A win for Live-Italian, who will have all their content marketing done for free AND the opportunity to give back and help others by serving as a shared case-study;
- A win for you, because you'll have the chance to learn pretty much everything you need to know about running your own digital marketing campaigns, and ask questions whenever in doubt;
- A win for Loquar, because we get to show to everyone how important content marketing is, what our values are and how hard we work to help you succeed.
Follow our case study to get some great tips: learn new, simple strategies to improve your own content marketing, ask us questions, share your ideas and - if you like - take part to our brainstorming sessions!
This ongoing workshop will start on August 15 and will be part of our Content Marketing Series, offered for free to subscribers, clients, friends, friends of friends...
If you are curious to see how Live Italian improves over time and would like to know how we do it, sign-up to our newsletter now. We will post regularly on this blog and email you every month to make sure you don't miss out on the most important aspects of content marketing strategies. I also recommend you keep an eye on Live Italian Facebook Page and Loquar Facebook page to see how Social Media can help you reach your goals.
Are we going to succeed, or are we going to fail? We actually can't answer this - although we want to keep positive - because food blogging today is the hardest challenge on the internet: how many food blogs can you think about on top of your head? How many are good? How many are bad? The answer to all of these questions is "too many". On the other hand, the word "recipes" is among the most googled words ever, meaning the demand is high and still rising. Stick with us, support this project and get involved to make the most out of your digital marketing.
The opportunity to mess around with someone elses's business and use it to learn how to improve yours doesn't come every day, so hurry up and sign-up to our newsletter to keep in touch, because you are going to learn a lot from this. Along the way there will be countless opportunities for you to ask questions, but in most cases the answers will be delivered to your inbox before you even ask.
To get started, show your support by liking Live Italian page and sign-up to our newsletter: we will only email once a month and we won't give your details to anyone else.
are gong into details like titles and key words ratio and stuff like that?